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Paolo Bellavite (b. 1952) graduated in Medicine in 1976 at Trieste University. He then specialized in Hematology, got a Master in Biotechnology from Cranfield University (U.K.) and a perfectioning degree in Health Statistics and Epidemiology. Since 1984 he has been professor of General Pathology at Verona university (I), until may 2017, then he's doing research as expert supervisor. He also teaches at the Ngozi university (Burundi) in a cooperation agreement. He and his group have developed research on the molecular, cellular and pharmacological aspects of inflammation, with special reference to granulocytes and macrophages, free radical formation and toxicity, platelet function and regulation. He also developed studies on epistemology, history of medicine, scientific research in complementary medicine, effects of natural compounds on biological systems, high-dilution pharmacology (scientific bases of homeopathy), complex systems, vaccination, and bioethics. He is author of more than 250 scientific papers, over 150 of which are cited in PubMed database, and several books.(H Index= 50).