svelato il trucco: “Così l’OMS nasconde morti e danneggiati da tutti i vaccini” (--> Intervista)
>>Autoantibodies targeting G-protein-coupled receptors and RAS-related molecules in post-acute covid vaccination syndrome. A retrospective case series study (PDF) (PDF-Italiano)
>>Autoimmune inflammatory reactions triggered by the COVID-19 genetic vaccines in terminally differentiated tissues(PDF)
>>A Descriptive Review of the Action Mechanisms of Berberine, Quercetin and Silymarin on Insulin Resistance/Hyperinsulinemia and Cardiovascular Prevention(PDF)
>>Nuovo Libro: Neurotossicità, infiammazione e stress ossidativo (-->Vai alla pagina)
>> REVIEW: Immune Response and Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Adverse Effects of Spike Proteins from SARS-CoV-2 and mRNA Vaccines (read PDF early publication)
>> Rassegna scientifica (Versione in ITALIANO): Risposta immunitaria e meccanismi molecolari degli effetti avversi cardiovascolari delle proteine Spike dei vaccini SARS-CoV-2 a mRNA (PDF)
>> REVIEW: Neuroprotective Potentials of Flavonoids: Experimental Studies and Mechanisms of Action (PDF)
>> Nuovo libro: TERAPIA PRECOCE SINERGICA DELLA COVID-19. Basi farmacologiche e osservazioni cliniche (Vai alla pagina)
>> The Problem of Home Therapy during COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Government Guidelines versus Freedom of Cure? (PDF)
>>A Review of the Potential Roles of Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Pharmacological Approaches for the Management of Mild-toModerate Symptomatic COVID-19 (PDF)
>> Retrospective Study of Outcomes and Hospitalization Rates of Patients in Italy with a Confirmed Diagnosis of Early COVID-19 and Treated at Home Within 3 Days or After 3 Days of Symptom Onset with Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Treatments Between November 2020 and August 2021 (Medical Science Monitor)(PDF)
>>Esperidina e SARS-CoV-2 - Testo in Italiano (Leggi)